A new cultural Institution, the “Cultural Port of the Black Sea” is the primary objective of the BLACK SEA BASIN JOP 2007-2013 project “LIMEN: Cultural Ports from Aegean to the Black Sea”, an ambitious project, launched by the European Centre for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments (E.K.B.M.M.) and its partners in the Black Sea in July 2013.
The proposed Institution is inspired by the prestigious Institution of the European Capitals of Culture and could become the flagship project that will connect the city ports of the Black Sea and their heritage with the ultimate aim of promoting cultural tourism in the region.
It is its ambition to become an umbrella action of the cultural tourism and other development initiatives of the area.
The monuments reflect the historical, social, cultural and economic conditions in which the common cultural heritage developed. They are a living testimony of contacts developed over time between the different peoples of the region through the sea routes of the Black Sea and the Aegean. Along these routes travelled goods, ideas, values and artistic styles. This historic networking highlights and revives the Cultural Port Black Sea.
The creation of a new and dynamic institution is the main aim of the project LIMEN which will act as an innovative tool for the promotion of the Black Sea port-cities and their cultural treasures.
Already an integrated communication strategy is being implemented for the multilevel promotion of the Institution proposed at E.U. level – and especially towards the responsible members of the European Parliament, at local level around the LIMEN partner’s city-ports of the Black Sea, at social media, etc. With the assistance of the PASSPARTOUT Company are being prepared communication and promotional material, promotional events and also primary research that will investigate the opinions of major institutions and personalities regarding the feasibility of establishing such an Institution, so that the idea becomes action.