On the western side of the Black Sea, on the coast of a large bay, that was gradually silted, and transformed into a lagoon (Sinoe Lagoon); 44° 32′ N and 28° 46′ E
Foundation Date
7th century BC
Current Condition
Today Histria is a large archaeological reservation. Its territory along with its necropolises reaches approximately 75 ha. The most important Romanian archaeological site situated on the western coast of the Black Sea, Histria has a history of almost 100 years of assiduously archaeological research. This made Histria one of the first schools of archaeology for many generations of students from all the important traditional Romanian universities. As Histria is a cultural attraction for Romanian and especially foreign tourists, a new museum had to be built in the 80’s. As a result, nowadays Histria consists of an open air museum (the site itself), an indoors exhibition place, an accommodation area (only for archaeologists and the museum staff), deposits, a restaurant and a parking lot.
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