Municipality of Kavala
Kyprou 10,
65403 Kavala
Tel. +30 2513 500 189
The Municipality of Kavala ( ) being a local public authority led by elected representatives and representing the governance level that is closest to the people, has long been at the forefront of efforts to protect its cultural heritage and to manage it in a smart and extrovert way. Its engagement to the preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage has been underlined by the organization of several cultural events and festivals, with an increasing focus on the maritime feature of the city. For example, in recent years the “Philippi Thassos Festival”, a nationally acclaimed summer performing arts event with a history of over fifty years has chosen the area of the city’s port as the venue for several performances. Kavala, founded in 7th century B.C is the oldest port city in Northern Greece, a city whose multiple ties with the Black Sea Basin have driven its involvement in the promotion of several initiatives of decentralized cooperation. The Municipality of Kavala is a founding and particularly active Member of the International Black Sea Club (IBSC, ) which brings together the major city-ports of the wider Black Sea area and the seat of the Balkan and Black Sea Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions(CPMR, ). Being an important player in the in the design and implementation of trans-european projects, the Municipality of Kavala recognized in the Black Sea Program a great opportunity to further expand and deepen its traditional relations with local communities and civil society in the Black Sea through the transfer of valuable know- how and the exchange of experience in fields that can improve the quality of life and promote common understanding. In this regard, the LIMEN project represents a significant step towards building in partnership with some of the most outstanding knowledge carriers in the area, a cultural institution that will enable port-cities to valorize their long and rich historical heritage and open paths that lead to sustainable local development.