Municipality of Varna
43 “Osmi Primorski polk” Blvd
Varna 9000
Tel. +359 52 820 176
The city of Varna is an important transport, logistical, administrative, cultural, academic and economic centre of the region, as well as at national and international level. The total territory of Varna Municipality is 237 485 000 sq. m. and the population of Varna Municipality is 343 544 habitants (2012). The administration takes care of the whole municipal area. Its situation on the Northern shore of the Black Sea makes it an important institution responsible for maritime and port activities. At a certain time Odessos became one of the most significant ports and trade centres in the Black Sea area. The enlargement and the replacement of Port Varna to the Lake will contribute for creating a new vision of the city, for its better relation with the sea and for laying the grounds of a new infrastructure, with big social and tourist potential. Varna’s important geographical location determines Varna’s close relations with other public administrations and organisation in the Black Sea region. Black Sea trans-regional cooperation is one of the main priorities in the strategic documents of Varna Municipality, aiming at fostering the creation of international networks for economic and social development, based on common resources; supporting the stimulation of international contacts and partnerships for the achievement of high level development of marine industry and tourism; European partnership for transforming the city of Varna into a cultural and economic centre in South-East Europe.
The Municipal Development Plan 2014 – 2020 (MDP) of Varna Municipality is a basic strategic document, which outlines the objectives and the priorities for sustainable and integrated economic and social development of the Municipality, in the frames of the next seven-year period. The strategic frame of the MDP is based on the existing potential of Varna Municipality, determined by the situation analysis and the prospects for development, as well as the policies set in the actual European, national, regional and municipal strategies for regional development.