Population: 14.000
Thassos is the northern island of the Aegean, standing 18 miles away from Kavala and 6 miles from Keramoti port. The capital of the island is the small town of Limenas, which is the capital of the Municipality of Thassos. Thassos administratively belongs to the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
The total length of the island’s beaches reaches 115km and Mount Ypsarion, which is the tallest, reaches the height of 1203m.
The island has tactical connection with the mainland via the 2 ports of Limenas and Prinos that connect it with Keramoti and Kavala respectively. As a summer destination for a lot of tourists, the population at summer reaches even 80.000 people.
The island has the privilege to host an wide variety of tourists, due to the perfect combination of mountain and sea villages, that can satisfy all the needs of the visitors.
The historical evidence of the island is rich. The first information about the human existence on the island comes from the Paleolithic era, approximately 20.000 B.C., from fossils found in the area of Tzines. We also have information from the Neolithic Era, with some installations that were discovered from the excavations at the Limenaria area.
The island is colonized from Parians at the 7th c. B.C. Quickly the Thassians understand the importance of the mainland and create some colonies of their own, in order to expand their trade possibilities with the locals and at the same time, to use the multiple resources that were found there.
The city of Thassos became a noticeable player during the Peloponnesian War (5th c.B.C.) and became one of the most important naval bases of the Athenian side. After the conquest of Macedonia from the Romans, the city continues its role due to the resources and its trade possibility.
At the Medieval years, the historical sources are few, but we know that from the 7th till the 9th c. B.C., was attacked from Slavian tribes that were fighting against the Byzantine Empire. It was conquered from the Crusaders of the 4th Crusade, but at 1279, the Byzantines reclaimed the city, until the fall of the Empire.
During the Ottomans, the island has a lot of privileges and at 1813, is given to the Sultan of Egypt. The connection of the island with the Eguptians continues until today, as we can see a lot of buildings that today belong to the Egyptian State.
The island is liberated from the Greek Naval forces at 1912. Many refugees from Minor Asia and Thrace reach at the island after 1923. During WW II, the island is under the control of the Bulgarians, until 1945.
The visitor can reach the island from the port of Kavala, that is tactically connected with the port of Prinos (NW side). At the same time, the capital of the island, Limenas, is tactically connected with the port of Keramoti. The time needed for these trips is respectively 1h 20min and 45 min. The number of the daily ferry-boat trips defers from time to time, as there is an increase of the needs during the summer period.
Useful phones:
-Police: 100
-Fire Services: 199
-First Aid Services: 166
-Prinos Health Center: 25930-71100
-Port Authority: 25930-22355
-Post Office: 25930-22114
-Municipality of Thassos: 25930-23918
Useful websites: