
Population: 790.000

Thessaloniki is the capital of Northern Greece, usually referred as the co-capital of Greece. After its foundation in the reign of Cassandrus, at the 4th c. B.C., always played a dominant role to the area. Located at the Thermaikos Gulf, it is the most important port of Northern Greece and due to an excellent network of roads and railroads, connects the Mediterranean Sea with the interior of the Balkan Peninsula. Its extended traditional center hosts a plethora of shops, public services, archaeological and traditional sites. The city covers a large area with a coast line of approximately 10km, that include the port and the seaside of the city is one of the most beautiful all over Greece.
The economic importance of the city is directly connected with the port, serves the needs of over 15 million habitants of the Balkan Peninsula and at the same time, it is a landmark of great importance for the Greek history, ancient and modern.
Every year, the International Exhibition of Thessaloniki (ΔΕΘ)/Helexpo at the center of the city gathers the most important companies all over Greece and other countries, both EU and others that have the possibility to present their achievements and resources to an wide area of the trade world.

The city has a Music Hall, an Opera, the State Theater of Northern Greece and many other art institutions, and two of the most important Museums of Greece, the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki and the Museum of Byzantine Civilization.
The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is the second larger University in Greece with excellent scientific and scholar production, directly connected with the region.
In the next years, the city is expected to serve the needs of transportation for the habitants and visitors with the Subway that is under construction.

The city was founded from King Cassandrus at 316/315 B.C., The importance of the city and its key location quickly strengthen its importance and became a trade and military center, as it was the entrance for the mainland, both for merchants and military reasons. The city was conquered by the Romans after 168 B.C. and became the capital of the region of “Macedonia Secunda” that expanded from Axios River (west) to Strymon River (east). Later, it became the capital of the Roman Province of Macedonia and at 42 B.C., the city was given the privilege of “Civitas Libera”.
Saint Paul visited the city at 50A.D. The Christian community quickly was increased and during the reign of Emperor Diocletianus, St. Demetrius, the protector of the city martyred here. During the Byzantine period the importance of the city grows and is considered as the second most important city of the Empire, after Constantinoupolis. The city followed the luck of the Empire, as it was conquered by the Ottomans at 1430, some years before the fall of Constantinoupolis. In the next years, the city took a multinational character, as it became the base for many communities that continued to work and produce until the middle of the 20th century and WWII.
Thessaloniki became the undoubted prize for both Greeks and Bulgarians in the dawn of the 20th century, during the Great War, when the city was surrendered to the Greek Army from the Turks, at 1912. One of the worst disasters that hit the city was the great fire of 1917 that burned a huge area, leaving 72.000 homeless, and having destroyed most of the most important buildings and monuments of the city. The flourishing community of Jews was halved during the German occupation of WWII and ever since, never gained its previous importance.

The city is easily accessible, as it connects both from A2/E90 Egnatia Odos (east to west) and A1/E75 PATHE Road (north-south) that gives access to all directions. Another option is the train that connects the city with Athens and other Balkan countries. Airport Macedonia is the second largest airport of Greece, with direct flights all over the world and all the Greek airports of Southern Greece.

Useful phones:
-Police: 100
-Fire Services: 199
-First Aid Services: 166
-Macedonia Airport: 2310 – 985000
-Municipality of Thessaloniki: 2313 31-7777
-Port Authority: 2313 325821

Useful websites: