Dr. Anastasia Tourta, Director of the European Centre for Byzantine and Post-byzantine Monuments, was invited to Kavala to present to the press the project LIMEN and its significance for promoting the development of cultural tourism around the city-ports of the Black Sea. Dr. Tourta explained to the press the role of the EKBMM as major institution promoting synergies and know-how to the wider area of the Balkans, Middle East, the Mediterranean and of course to the Black Sea.

Dr. Tourta also referred to the previous Black Sea Basin JOP Project “OLKAS” that the EKBMM coordinated and pointed out that “the OLKAS project is the scientific platform on which the LIMEN Project has been based on”. Dr. Tourta gave an overview of the LIMEN project and specially referred to the on-board Symposium and of course to the establishment of the new, ambitious Cultural Institution the “Cultural Port of the Black Sea”, the project’s main objective.

2015-03-16_151850During the press conference the vice-mayor of Cultural Policy of Municipality of Kavala Mr. Lychounas referred to Kavala’s strategic advantage, its port “Apostolos Pavlos” and its significance for the development of cultural tourism in the area.

The coordinator of the LIMEN Project Ms. Anastasia Chatzinikolaou, gave an overview of the Project, its objectives and anticipated results for the wider region of the Black Sea. She also pointed out the importance of the project in relation to the networking between the city-ports of the Aegean and the Black Sea especially through the establishment of the Institution of the “Cultural Port of the Black Sea”.

Closing the press conference Mr. Lychounas announced the implementation by the Municipality of Kavala of the training course on sustainable cultural tourism on November 19th 2014 a major activity within the project LIMEN.

The press interest for the project was significant and the event was widely covered by the media.