

Training course on sustainable cultural tourism with the local network of Odessa city

The training course on sustainable cultural tourism with the local network OF Odessa city was held on December 25th, 2014 at Odessa City Council headquarters.

Members of the local network participated and additionally the course gathered representatives of Odessa hotels, travel companies, museums, universities and of course the media.

Main objectives of the training course:

The LIMEN Project, […]

December 28th, 2014|News, Odessa City Council|

LIMEN trains local stakeholders in Kavala

The Municipality of Kavala held on November 19, a training course targeting local professionals and public services, civil society organizations and individuals involved in the tourism sector.

The Keynote Speakers were

Michalis Lychounas, Deputy Mayor for Cultural Affairs of Kavala
Dr Flora Karagianni Head of the Department for the Promotion of Scientific Research of the Lead Partner EKBMM […]

November 24th, 2014|Municipality of Kavala, News|

Constanta – Cultural Port at Pontus Euxinus: Training on sustainable cultural tourism in Constanta

A 25-hours training took place in Constanta, Museum for National History and Archaeology headquarters, between 11 and 15 November 2014.

It was addressed to culture providers (museums, theatres), local and regional authorities, economic stakeholders (especially tourism agencies) and educational stakeholders (educating the new generations to understand, love and support the culture of their country must be […]

November 20th, 2014|Constanta Museum, News|

Press conference at Kavala City Hall

Dr. Anastasia Tourta, Director of the European Centre for Byzantine and Post-byzantine Monuments, was invited to Kavala to present to the press the project LIMEN and its significance for promoting the development of cultural tourism around the city-ports of the Black Sea. Dr. Tourta explained to the press the role of the EKBMM as major […]

November 5th, 2014|Municipality of Kavala, News|

Training Course: Black Sea Cultural Port: challenges and prospects 16-18 October, 2014, Batumi

The training course: “Black Sea Cultural Port: challenges and prospects” was realized in Batumi, at the Center for Civic Engagement, the most popular open space in Batumi and the whole region of Ajara.

The course was realized for the representatives of the Georgian Local Network member Institutions, with the objective to mobilize the local partners and […]

October 25th, 2014|G. Chubinashvili, Tbilisi, News|

Byzantine Cultural Routes in Turkey, Italy and Russia | First Meeting October 10, 2014 – Küçükyalı ArkeoPark, Istanbul

Within the framework of the LIMEN – Cultural Ports From Aegean to the Black Sea Project, conducted in line with the European Union’s Black Sea Cross Border Cooperation Programme and supported by the Turkish Republic Ministry of European Union Affairs and the Undersecretariat of Treasury’s Central Finance and Contracts Unit, the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark project team […]

October 14th, 2014|Koc Unversity, News|


On September 29 Varna Municipality and International Black Sea Club (IBSC) organized best practices exchangemeeting of the stakeholders in the project “LIMEN: Cultural ports of the Aegean to the Black Sea” at the Press Office of the Festival and Congress Centre – Varna.

The agenda included the presentation, dissemination and synergies between the Black Sea Basin […]

October 1st, 2014|Municipality of Varna, News|