


Address: 9006 Varna, St. St. Constantine and Elena Resort
Tel.: +359 879 140 533
Fax.: +359 52 36 19 46

The University Botanic Garden in the city of Varna is the first Eco-park in this country and combines in itself both man-made and natural ecosystems. The park lies on an area of 360 acres. The Arboretum includes more than 300 species of exotic trees and shrubs, the grass plants it hosts are more than 100 species, and the collection of irises counts more than 250 varieties. It is truly a place where one gets acquainted with interesting plant and animal species, a place for walks and outdoor recreation. It symbolizes Nature the way we want to preserve it for the future.
Archeological findings from the II-IV century AD discovered on the territory of the University Botanic Garden: Roman Tomb, The Earthen Jars, Roman Villa
The Saint Kliment Ohridski Chapel erected in the highest part of the garden offers a wonderful view of the Varna Bay.
The Botanic Bazaar is the place where you can buy plants for your home, seedlings of ornamental trees and shrubs grown in the greenhouses of the University Botanic Garden.
The University Botanic Garden–Eco-Park of the city of Varna offers a venue for green schools, garden parties, weddings, family pick-nicks, barbecues, fun rides in horse carriages, horse riding lessons.