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Odessa Archaeological Museum, one of the oldest in Ukraine, was founded in 1825. Its development was promoted by the Odessa Society of antiquity and history, which had the right to carry out excavations in the Northern Black Sea Region.
There are more than 160 000 exhibits. They are the basis of one of the largest collection of information sources about ancient history of Northern Black Sea region. The muzeum possesses rich collection of archaeological relics of primitive and classical culture, relics of ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome, besides there is a large and valuable collection of coins and medals. The best antique sculptures are exhibited in the vestibule of the building, specially built for the muzeum in 1883.
The exhibits, represented in the first and second holls, belonged to the huge period: from the appearence of the first men to the second millennium B.C. The finds from the settlements and burial grounds of Gumelnitsa, Tripolye and Usatovo culture, barrows and hoards of the Bronze Age are of special interest. In the first millennium B.C. ancient Greek colonies, such as Olbia, Tyras, Niconium, Panticapaeum, Chersonesus, were founded on the North Black Sea Coast. Painted vessels, terracottas, sculptures, inscriptions, articles of craft art, represented in muzeum, testify about prosperity of the antique civilization.
The culture of Scythian tribes, inhabited in Black Sea littoral steppes, is represented by finds from settlements and barial grounds. There are weapon items, bronze cauldrons, other utensils, adornments. By the beginning of the first millennium A.D. the Sarmatians displaced the Scythians. In the IIIrd – IVth centuries A.D. the tribal alliance, represented by the items of Chernyakhovo culture, was created. Since the middle of the first millennium the formation of Slavic people began. In the IXth century they were united into a state with Kyiv as a centre. The Khazars, Polovtsy, Pechenegs were the Slavs’ neighbours during the different times. The period of the IXth – XIVth centuries is reflected by the materials from the settlements and cities of Kyiv Rus, Belgorod, Caffa-Theodosia, Berezan island.
The genuine, unique pieces of art made of precious metals are represented in “The Golden Treasury”. The oldest of them belong to the beginners of the second millennium B.C. The adornments and articles of Slavic craftsmen from the Scythian and Sarmatian burial grounds, the medieval funerals of nomads, attract your attention. The most rare coins are exhibited here from more than 50 000 coins, kept in the museum. Such as the gold and silver coins produced in Ancient Greece, Rome, Byzantium.
The Russian Numismatic section is presented by “Zlatnick of Prince Volodimir”, one of ten that remained in the world to nowadays. Russian Empire is represented by coins minted during the Romanovs’ dynasty, gold and silver medals, wich were produced in honor of memorable events in the Russian history.
The collection of Egypt antiquites is the third most valuable in the former USSR. Wooden and stone sarcofagi, funeral inventory, stone slabs and fragments of papyrus with hieroglyphics are represented there.