


Address: 183 Omonias str., Kavala, Postal Box 1548, P.C. 651 10 , Greece
Tel.: 30 2510 222830
Fax.: +30 2510 837880
Email: histarchiv@otenet.gr
Site: http://www.ilak.org/en/index.php

The library of the Historical & Literary Archives of Kavala contains more than 30,000 books, journals and newspapers from the 16th century until today. It focuses on the Northern Greece and it is supported by the AVEKT library program. The foundation of the Historical & Literary Archives of Kavala was established in 1996. The oldest documents of the Archives are one-leaf scripts of the Greek Revolution of 1821, as well as other documents of that era. The current official form of the foundation, organized by modern methods, based on the knowhow of exemplary scientific institutes has contributed to a great extent to present to the public the precious historical material that it has been collecting for the past 50 years.
The objectives of the Historical & Literary Archives of Kavala are mainly the following:
o Presentation of its rich historical Archives by specialized researchers, via publications of books, CD-ROMs, multimedia and internet, as well as at exhibitions and conferences with working languages Greek but also major European languages.
o Availability of its rich and very specialized historical library at the disposal of any scientific researcher. Because of the rarity of the books, it does not operate as a lending library.
o Interconnection with similar existing Archives of Greece and foreign Archives, aiming at common research and mutual support based in an extrovert cultural and historical approach and in the scientific co-operation of all nations.
o Continuous enrichment and classification of the material which includes all kinds of historical, cultural and literary evidence, as well as anything related to the local folklore of Kavala.