

Address: Idras & Kountouriotou Str., 653 02, Kavala, Greece
Tel.: +30 2510 223141
Fax.: +30 2510 223283

The first European land that Apostle Paul visited in 49 AD, was the ancient city of Neapolis, as Kavala was then named, already a major port and commercial center. At the point where he first arrived nowadays stands a monument to commemorate his arrival in the city and honoring his first steps in Kavala. It is situated in the yard of St. Nicholas Christian Church in the centre of the city. It is a synthesis of 35 square meters mosaic titled: “The arrival of Apostle Paul in Neapolis of Philippi” work of painter Vlassios Tsotsonis and Pottery Pino Pastorutti. From Neapolis the Apostle walked on the ancient Via Egnatia which survives to this day and crossed the 12 km to the city of Philippi, where he founded the first church in Europe and baptized the first European Orthodox Christian, Lydia. He was accompanied by the evangelist Luke, Apostle Timothy and Saint Silas, in whose honor currently operates in Kavala the homonymous Monastery.