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Approximately 100 m south from the Mosaic floored building, there is another impressive ancient building, a bath complex, known as Lentiarion. Its name comes from an inscription written on the upper stone frame of a door leading into a small chamber under the staircase, which informs about the utility of this room. It seems it has been the place where the linen sheets were kept. Only a part of this large complex was uncovered by the archaeologists: a rectangular room, 30 x 10 mp large, paved with stone slabs and provided with three entrances on its south-eastern side – one towards the Lentiarion and two towards the vestibulum from which a staircase relates this lower level in front of the harbor to the ancient level of the city. The rest of it lies under the modern buildings on top of the southern cliff of the peninsula. The main feature of this building is the heating system it was provided with. The main room, built in the same technique as the Mosaic floored edifice, was heated by hot air passing under its suspended floor and through its double walls. This edifice was probably built in the 3rd century AD, or later, when the Mosaic floored edifice was built.